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102nd Ohio Infantry - Hospital Steward

Item LTR-10559
August 7, 1863 Hamilton McClurg
Price: $285.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages, written in period ink.

Office of Hospital
Clarksville, Tennessee

August 7, 1863

Miss Liggett

Dear Friend,

For a long time as I meditate upon the past, our name comes up often in the midst of those reveries as a long neglected but not forgotten friend. And this morning, as all natures sees clothed with grandeur and loveliness after the terrific storm of last night, I am seated by an open window overlooking the quiet little city of Clarksville to break the long spell of silence.

We occupy the Female College as a hospital. A magnificent structure it is consisting of over one hundred room and surrounded by giant trees of the forest whose cups have caught the dews of centuries and among whose boughs the feathered songsters have sung while successive generations have come and passed away.

Once within those walls, instruction was imparted to the chivalrous daughters of the Sunny South. Now it is changed for the piteous moan of the sick and dying soldier. It grieves the old hard headed secesh in this town to see a hospital flag floating from the dome of their college and see blue-coated Yankees strolling among the towering trees of the yard where their fair daughters once took such delight to ramble. But such are the fortunes of war.

It is now reported that we are to leave this place and go to Charleston, South Carolina to reinforce General Gilmore. The members of the 102nd will leave the shores of Old Tennessee with a shout, where they have enjoyed a perfect paradise for soldiers to pitch their tents upon the field of blood and carnage in front of Fort Sumter.

My health is good. So is all of the Holmes County boys. Please write soon.

H. McClurg

102nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
In care of Dr. Patterson