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12th Louisiana Infantry

Item CON-6178
September 4, 1864 Private L. T. Thompson
Price: $225.00


Original Confederate soldier's letter, 6 pages written in period ink and dated, September 4, 1864.

Claiborne, LA
September the 4th 1864

Mr. A. W. Thompson

Dear Father,

I have the pleasure of saying once more that I have received a letter from you and shall attempt to draft you a few lines in return. Through the mercies of kind providence, I am permitted to say to you that we are all well and have enjoyed a reasonable portion of good health. I was much pleased to hear from you all these war times when our labored country is bleeding from every pore. I long to hear the glad tiding of peace resound throughout our land once more where when we all will be permitted to embrace our friends and relations in peace again and the world at large of the correctness of our cause. Thompson is in the war. Liam and John are together in Churchill’s Division and they are both well. I was glad to hear from you but to hear of my brother’s death and brother-in-law’s was sad tidings to me. But such is the providence of God. So are we all will be called and to pass forth.

You wished to know what I had done with the notes of Jack Esau. I have not called there. I think it quite doubtful about them should I ever. I will write you. When was Jon mortgage retained on the land?

You wished to know how I am getting along. There were times I have a plenty to ear and my cross is sufficient for been here a matter of a year as yet. I have never suffered. The war is something to whack with but as of yet I have had been able to make out with everything. Everything is very high. It takes all we can get to through. Such is the case even when I trust this war will soon terminate.

When you write again write me all about the death of brother. I was at my brother John’s a few days since. They were all well. Except Robert. He has not walked in 18 months. They hear from John the same two months since he was well. Tell Father I think quite hard of him for not sending me a line in your letter. I have not heard from him in 18 months. You must pardon my bad writing sheet and shard. Give my respects to all inquiring friends and accept the love of your affectionate daughter and family.


L. T. Thompson

William A. W. Thompson

P.S. Direct your letter to Captain R. Crow, 12th Louisiana Regiment and he will forward to me.