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Medical Director - Department of the South

Item MED-8992
February 15, 1865 Meredith Clymer & John Trenor Jr
Price: $225.00


Original Civil War medical document. 1 pages, written in period ink.

Office of the Medical Director
Department of the South
Hilton Head, S.C. February 15, 1865

Surgeon John Trenor Jr. U.S. Volunteers
In Charge U.S.A. General Hospital
Beaufort, S.C.


You will immediately cause to be made out and forwarded to this office a list giving name, rank, regiment and disease or wound of all sick and wounded enlisted men in the hospital under your charge who are either permanently disabled or who will not be fit for duty on account of disease or wounds, within a less period than three months and for when a change of climate is necessary to save life or prevent permanent disability.

These men will all be selected after a personal inspection by yourself, and a certificate to this effect and also there being within the above named conditions, signed officially by you will be appended to this list.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Meredith Clymer
Medical Director
Department of the South

P. S. Military Medical Descriptive Lists must be furnished.
Meredith Clymer
Medical Director
Department of the South