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108th New York Infantry

Item LTR-8926
January 29, 1865 Richard Wells
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages, written in period ink.

Headquarters, 3rd Brigade
2nd Division, 2nd Army Corps

January 29th 1865

Dear Friend Ostrander,

I received a box of candy and nuts from you the other day. And I assure you I though very much of them. Not only because it was candy and nuts, but because they came from you. Because it said to me that I was not forgotten by one whose friendship and goodwill I prize more than any friend I have. When we first came out you remember we became acquainted and as far as I know did not dislike each other. Afterward, I went to live with you and from that time on, our friendship increased until it was sound, steady and true, until we became attached to each other, until one would feel lonesome and lost as soon as the other left the tent for any length of time. If lady friends could only be as true and steady how much unnecessary might be spared but girls cannot be trusted they seem to have no mind or they have a fickle one. Look at a lady nowadays as in gorgeous array, she sweeps along the street. Her very look and manners a sign or fit emblem of her real self. She goes along fired up in doll like style and looks as though the least wind would muss her up or sway her round and round and when all was over she’d look around and wonder what had happened and that such a little thing should change her so. Make her what she was a different and almost another thing. But so it is. Perhaps I might accept a few. I do not know them though. Per chance your sister’s one not that she is your sister, but she has that look. A frank and honest look so like a woman. Not that simple, wishy, washy, lady girlish look. I’d like to know her and know that she at least is an honor to the female sex.

I sent you a letter from Washington when I came down and told you that the badge would be forwarded to you in a day or two. I don’t know whether you received them or not. You never acknowledge it. If you did, I wish you would write and tell me. I know it is not very convenient for you to write now. But you can write something at any rate. I am anxious to hear from you. Letters please me now just as well as they ever did. So don’t fail to wrote. But what pleased me was to see that find hand writing on the box you sent me directly to Captain D. H. Ostrander. Perhaps it was Miss Fannie Lord or what is much more likely and what it is much more like is Clare Weys hand writing. Eh! Ostrander. How near right am I? But “Clara” loves you. She can’t help it! She too may be another exception. I hope she is and you should too.

Do you ever hear from Fran Lord now? If you do you may tell her that I am waiting with the patience of Job for a letter from that other Fran.

Ostrander, you promised me your photograph some time ago and I wish you would send it to me now. I want it. Will you send it?

I am at Brigade Headquarters in the Purveyor’s tent with Harvey. We have good times and rather easy. You know Roger’s is purveyor now. But I must “haste without delay” to my dinner. Write soon directing to these Headquarters. Remember me to your particular friends. Also to your people not excepting your sister Sarah and believe me to be as ever yours in honest friendship.
