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11th Massachusetts Infantry - Wounded at Gettysburg & POW at Spotsylvania

Item LTR-8536
July 4, 1862 Henry H. Stone
Price: $225.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages, written in period ink. (Note tear in letter)

Camp on James River
July 4th 1862

My Dear Mother,

I have just received your kind letter dated 29 June and as I have time, I feel I must answer it and let you know I am safe. Enclosed in this you will find an answer to your last letter, which I wrote the night before. We began to fall back and I could not finish it. So I carried it in my knapsack and now I send It to you. You cannot tell how much the men in this army suffered on this movement. But I and hundreds of others stood it. Like those in good health. I am in good spirits. But this movement is a mystery to me and in fact to all of us. You will see by the papers what we have to do. We gave the rebels battle three times. And now we expect one every day. Let them come. If they do, we will go into Richmond. For we have gone as far as we can or is meant for us to. And if they give us battle here and we defeat them, we will follow them into Richmond. But enough of these things. We will come out all right soon. By the way, we are in a fine camp and the bands are making music for us. For it is the glorious fourth of July and we all feel gay. How long we will stay here, I cannot say. But I suppose not long for the rebs will bring in every way to get us to give them battle. We gave them fire all way here and if they are not careful, they will get chased back flying. But enough of this. The papers will give you all the news. I do not like to write about it. I am glad we are away from Fair Oaks. For the sight was horrid there. Also the stink. Now for a talk about the box. You can send it and run the risk. Send me one flannel shirt and some stockings. Send Rowen the same. Send me a toothbrush. Also a large pocket handkerchief. Not a white one. That is all. And in sending it direct to Henry H. Stone, Company I, 11th Massachusetts Regiment, 1st Brigade, Hooker Division, Washington, DC. By the way, you asked if I get any fruit. I have not had any till today. Just as soon as we got into this camp, we spied some blackberries and I ate about a quart. So you see, they could not last long before a whole division of soldiers. I believe I should like to be at home now and get some good fruit. But I hope someday too, it will taste all the better. When I hope to get it after being so long without it. We have so many in a large field here.

Since we fell back, secesh will not have anything to eat.

I will take the best care of myself that I can and be your ever dutiful and affectionate son forever.

Henry H. Stone