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117th New York Infantry

Item LTR-7330
February 12, 1865 William F. Hiller
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 4 pages, written in period ink.

U.S. General Hospital
Albany, NY
February 12th, 1865

Dear Father,

Thinking that you would like to hear from me I take this opportunity of writing to you to let you know that I am still in the land of the living and am in middling health. I expected to leave this place for the front the last of this week to join my regiment, which is at or near Wilmington, N.C. I had a few photographs taken so I send you one. It is not very handsome but perhaps it looks as well as the original. The folks at home are all well as usual I believe. I have six months more to serve if I live through it. I hope to and to see you all again. My regiment was at the capture of Fort Fisher. They suffered a good deal. I have been away from them seven months; it won’t seem like the same regiment now that it was there. There has been so many taken away from it in one way or another. The winter here has been quite pleasant so far, rather cold of late. Uncle William says that there is lots of snow at home this winter and that it is cold enough. He is not doing much this winter except his chores. How do you get along now? I want to see you very much indeed and all of the family also. There has been a great deal of talk about peace lately but I have not much faith in any of the yarns. We will get peace when we conquer it and not before is my opinion. The Johnnies are determined to fight it out but the end is not far off. Jeff and his fellow Traitors will soon have to cave for all their talk and bluster. I suppose the draft will have to be enforced next Wednesday if the quotas of the different states are not filled up and they hardly will as near as can be found out. There will have to be a draft in our town I hear – well let them draft. They can’t draft me at all for six months to come at least. News is scarce so I shall have to close up this. Give my love to Mother Hiller and to all the family. Bye for this time.

I remain your affectionate son,

William F. Hiller
Sergeant Co C, 117th New York Volunteers