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9th New York Cavalry

Item LTR-7326
January 31, 1862 John D. McBrown
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.

Camp Trenton, 9th New York Cavalry
Washington DC
January 31st 1862

Mr. S. Shaw
South Edwards, NY

Dear Brother,

Yours of the 25th came to hand last night. But being sergeant of the guard yesterday and last night, I could not reply until this time. I was indeed glad to hear from you and learn that Elijah’s body had reached you. Besides my anxiety was much relieved when I knew that his Father had received it. I was afraid that it would affect him seriously. As his nervous system was so much damaged or inflamed by his misfortune. To hear that the wound was rapidly healing and the bones uniting and stiffening afforded one much pleasure. I suppose in opening the case of the coffin you found his satchel and boots. These I placed there because they would go safely and without additional expense. In his pocket book there was the remainder of the dollars of which the surgeon spoke in his letter after deducting twenty five cents for postage stamps which he ordered him to purchase. The Surgeon informed me since the body was forwarded that there is a vest here belonging to Elijah. This I have not seen yet. But it is here.

I have made application for the papers by which you can draw his wages. These I will forward as soon as I get them for Father’s signature with all the necessary instructions. The expenses as stated were just sixty two dollars. Enclosed is the receipt. This twenty seven dollars you can pay over to Mrs. McBroom taking her receipt therefore. The cross sabers upon his coffin is the emblem of Cavalry and the letter of his company and 9 the number of his regiment. These I put on the morning I sent the body. I appreciate you expressions of gratitude and hope that I may ever be willing to do my duty to the sick and dying when I may. Enclosed also is a note to Mrs. McBroom which I wish you would hand to her at the earliest convenience. I can hardly call this a letter as hastily I have written it. I only answered to let you know that I was well and had received your letter.
Yes, I am well thanks be to God. My dear brother, have faith in God and let nothing swerve thy noble purposes of meeting thy brother in heaven. Give my respects to all who may deem one worthy of inquiry. Pay earnestly for me and may the very God of peace sanctify all our affliction to our good.

Yours as ever,
J. D. McBroom

Write soon and tell me how you are getting along.