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123rd New York Infantry - Killed at Aiken's Creek, VA

Item LTR-7107
January 8, 1864 William A. Tooley
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 2 pages written in period ink.

Savannah, Georgia
January 8th 1864

Dear Brother,

I have neglected to you sometime but it was not because I do not take pleasure in writing to and hearing from you. But because the most of my time has been occupied in some way or other. I am well at present and hope these few words will find you enjoying the same blessing. We are still in camp near the city and building fortifications. It is rumored that the first and second divisions will remain here in the city. If so, we shall have a good thing of it this winter than in Savannah. But I suppose I shall have to wait until another winter before I have the privilege of seeing home again. But when I do get home, I shall know enough to stay there. I think for a while at least. I wish I could think of something to write about but everything is quiet in the army except Butler’s advance on Wilmington. But I suppose you have heard all about that. How he assaulted Fort Fisher and was repulsed and took his position near the fort to wait for reinforcements. We have a union paper printed here now and it is said Georgia has returned to the union. I will send you a copy of the paper in a few days. If we remain here, I shall send for some things but I must close. Good bye.

William A. Tooley

Samuel Tooley