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114th Ohio Infantry

Item LTR-7075
October 12, 1862 Caleb Glick
Price: $185.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages written in period ink.

Camp Marietta
Oct. 12th/62

Dear Parents and Brothers

I received your letter and was glad to hear from you and to find that you are all well. It found me well and still living a soldier’s life. I was almost afraid that something had happened, that I did no get but one letter from Hoje and was looking earnestly for one. But on receiving your last one, I discovered that you had answered it but did not send it, therefore you are perfectly excusable for that. My clothes are all good yet. I don’t think that I will want any new stockings for a while yet, as mine is almost new yet.

The city of Circleville must be very dry as the ones that did keep the life up there have all gone to war. But you must keep it from burning up and hinder those runaways until we get back and then we will stir the life up again. For we all intend to come back in the Spring, if the President’s proclamation proves to be what it is cracked up to. There is something turns up in camp which puts life into the soldier. We have been visited this week by several ladies from Circleville which put a soldier in the mind of home. Night before last, Mr. Geo. Gregg and our Col. arrived with the Regimental flag. The next crowd of ladies from Circleville that comes down here to our camp I expect to see Father and Mother along with them.

The rest of our clothes have come and have been issued out to us. We have our knapsacks and canteens, and are now ready for Dixie. But how soon, I don’t know. We may stay here a month yet. I hope Joshua had a good time at the party. How a soldier feels when he hears of such times, but you must not forget them. Tell Hock that all of boys are well and in fine spirits. Orderly Pick is all right. I believe that this is all at present. The weather is a little cold at present. I shall send my carpet sack home in a box with some others in care of some one. Please send me some postage stamps, as it is an article that cannot be had very easy here.

So no more. Give my best to all my friends, etc.

From your Son and brother,
Caleb Glick

P.S. Answer soon.
C. Glick