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15th Connecticut Infantry

Item LTR-5937
November 24, 1862 Henry E. Smith
Price: $200.00


Original Civil War soldier's letter. 3 pages written in period ink.

Camp Casey
Near Fairfax Seminary

November 24th 1862

Dear Lyons,

I have neglected to write you for the week past or since I received that nice box which you sent me for the very reason I have had but little time. I have had so much to do besides going out some six or eight miles on picket duty. Which was very unpleasant. Our regiment went out and stayed two days and it rained all the time while we was gone. And you can judge how I felt being out in the rain two days and two nights. Wet through from head to foot. Not having any shelter during that time. Neither any fire during the night and it was cold enough to freeze common people but I stood it better than I expected. For I came out all right and am well although. Of course I caught some cold.

I have to inform you the sad news of the death of two of our company. Hobart Bassett who died November 17th, and also Samuel Linsley who died November 19th, and since then, one from Wallingford. You may have known him while teaching. His name was Delevan Ives, a brother of Delano Ives who says he went to school with you in Wallingford. Both brothers were in our company. They are the sons of Wooten Ives that keeps hotel.

Delano Ives and Frederick Northrop are both in our company and send their respect to you and Fred says that he should like to see the “young Lyon”, little Henry.

But the box, yes! The box that came through to me was very acceptably received. Although it was some time on the way but most all come through first best and I made good use of the articles. The jellies I used but little myself as the sick like them much better. And I was much more pleased to see the sick use such things as they seemed to relish them so much that it did me more good than to eat them myself. But I thank you very much and I hope I may live to repay you in some future time. Hoping these lines may find you in health and I remain your brother.


Many thanks for your kindness. Write soon. Direct to:

H. E. Smith
Camp Casey
Near Fairfax Seminary
Alexandria, VA