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104th New York Infantry - Captured at Gettysburg & Escaped 3 times from Confederate Captivity

Item DOC-246
December 10, 1864 George H. Starr
Price: $145.00


Original Civil War document to Captain George H. Starr of the 104th New York Infantry. Starr was captured at Gettysburg and escaped from Confederate captivity three times.

War Department
Adjutant General’s Office
Washington, DC

December 10th 1864

Captain George H. Starr
104th New York Volunteers
Rochester, New York


I am instructed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th ultering, reporting yourself as an escaped prisoner of war, and requesting orders.

In reply, I have to inform you that leave of absence for thirty (30) days will be this day granted you by Special Order from this Office, a copy of which will be sent to your address.

The records of this Office show that the term of service of your company (“D”) will expire in February 1865, your attention is therefore invited to Circular No. 75, paragraph 5, current series from the Office. A copy of which is herewith enclosed.

I am, Sir, Very Respectfully,

Your Obedient Servant,

Thomas M. Vincent
Assistant Adjutant General