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38th Alabama Infantry - Captured at Missionary Ridge, TN

Item CON-9875
March 7, 1865 Benjamin F. Wright
Price: $325.00


Original Civil War Confederate Prisoner of War letter, written in period ink from Fort Delaware, DE. Captured at Missionary Ridge, TN.

Fort Delaware
March 7th 1865

Mrs. Susan L. Taylor

Dear Friend,

Yours of January 31st was received a few days since, containing ten (10) dollars. Which I assure you was thankfully received. I would have written you before this but I have not had time to do so, on account of some of my friends who has been preparing to go south on exchange and did not get off until today. Therefore, I hope you will pardon me for not writing sooner. Dear Friend, it is unpleasant to my feeling to have you unrewarded for your kindness to me during my imprisonment. I feel as if I was leaving undone that which I prefer doing if I could. But I feel hopeful that there is a time not far distant when you will be rewarded for your kindness towards me during my imprisonment.

I was very sorry indeed to hear of your illness. I pray to God you will soon be restored to the enjoyment of wealth. I feel that I am about to realize my long design. I expect to meet with my dear sister in the south very soon. I have been paroled for exchange and expect to start to the south in a few days. Please give my kindest regards to Mrs. Abert. I received a letter a few days since from Captain J. W. Abert stating his family were all well. Also, from Lieutenant Seabrook. He was at home well and requested me to remember him to you. I am your sincerest friend.

B. F. Wright
Confederate Army