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23rd North Carolina Infantry

Item CON-9493
January 10, 1865 John Roberts
Price: $345.00


Original Civil War Confederate letter. 2 pages, written in period ink.

Camp Near Petersburg

January the 10th 1865

Mr. William A. Roberts


These lines leave in bad health hoping they will dash to your hand and find you and your family well. In the haste of the connection, I have much news to write at this time. All is quiet as far as I know. We had very had rain yesterday and thunder. Water is high. I have been guarding commissaries for the last week. I don’t know when I will be relieved. You may ask whether I live well or not. From home since I left, I have written several letters and got no answer from none of them. I want you to write as soon as this comes to hand and let me know how all is getting along at home. On the times, there are times is very hard in camp. They are giving some furloughs, an indulgence. And some sick furloughs. They haven’t offered me any one. Yet if they don’t, I will soon ask to give me a furlough or discharge. I don’t know how I will luck out. I hope I will luck out. I’m not able to do much. They may detail me for light duty. I wrote when Hickens left and you write if Thomas has got home and give all the news of, I trust, you can, of the health of the friends. Read this to Mother. Tell them I am doing the best I can for myself. I want them to do the same. I hope you will do so without my counseling you.

Direct your letter to care of 23rd North Carolina, Johnson’s Brigade, Petersburg, Virginia.

I must close by asking you to write soon. Give my love to all inquiring friends. Reserve a good deal for yourself.

John Roberts

To William A. Roberts

I have drawn no money yet.