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13th Mississippi Infantry - POW Letter

Item CON-94
November 24, 1864 D. M. McRae
Price: $350.00


1 page, original Civil War Confederate POW letter written in period ink and war dated from Fort Delaware. (Captain D. M. McRae)

Division 31 Fort Delaware
Nov. 24th 1864

Miss S. M. H. Fulton
Dear friend,
Yours of the 21st Inst. has been received. I have nothing new or interesting to write. I have not heard from Lt. Mosley since he left. You spoke in your letter of sending your photograph. He was expecting it before he left and as it did not come he requested me to take charge of it when it comes to hand. If you wish to send it to me I will take charge of it and carry it to him when I am exchanged. I believe it the only safe way for him to get it.
The picture you drawn in your imagination in regard to myself was not right. I have fair complexion, blue eyes, dark hair and six feet-one inch high.
Will you give me the name of some friend who will furnish me with some money? I have no way of getting any and I am very much in need of some. A little money is great help here. I have not heard from any of my relatives in nine months.

Very Respectfully, Your Friend
D. M. McRae