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5th Virginia Cavalry - Captured at Aldie and Yellow Tavern, VA

Item CON-7914
June 4, 1865 Fontaine C. Boston
Price: $325.00


Original Civil War Prisoner of War Confederate letter, 1 page written in period ink.

Fort Delaware
June 4, 1865

My dear Cousin

I have just taken the Oath of Allegiance and expect to leave here tomorrow morning for my home. I suppose I am indebted to you for my special release and do assure you dear cousin I think no one could be more grateful for your extreme kindness than I am. I suppose you had made efforts to this and before receiving my last letter. In it I requested your efforts on behalf of my friend Lieutenant W. R. Staehlin also. He signified his readiness to take the Oath of Allegiance a month ago. But in case it requires any very great exertions to obtain it, he does not wish to trouble you to undertake it. Please give much love to dear cousins Sallie and all and excuse me from writing more at present, tho I will write to you from my home when the mail line is again established and I or hope I shall have the pleasure of visiting you some of these times. With renewed assurances of highest esteem and lasting friendship, believe me very truly,

Your attached Cousin
F. C. Boston