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18th Georgia Infantry - Captured at Burkeville, VA

Item CON-5519
April 2, 1862 Lewis C. Peacock
Price: $265.00


4 pages, original Civil War soldier's letter written in period ink and war dated.

Camp near Fredericksburg, VA
April 2, 1862

Dear Friends,

It is with the greatest of pleasure that I seat myself to write you both these few liens which leaves us well and enjoying good health. Hope when these few lines come to hand, they may find you all well and enjoying the choicest of blessings. Miss Harriet and Sis, I wish I was with you all tonight but I reckon I can’t leave home to come to see you. It’s not in my power to see you all but I am in hopes I will see you all again.

I thought I knew something when I left home but I soon found out I did not know nothing when it came to crossing rivers where the bridge was 5 miles long and towns from ten to twenty miles wide, I keep my eyes open. When I got to Richmond, we stayed there two days and nights and I walked all the time. And I could not find any end to the town until we started to the boys and the trains. Had to find the way out. I never could of got out. I was lost all the time. And the worst of it was we had to tote a pass everywhere we went. If we did not, they would take us up. It goes pretty hard with me and Lige. But I think we will get over it.

Harriet and Sis, we are going to leave here but we do not know where we will got to. Some think we will go to North Carolina and some think we will go to Tennessee. But I think we will go to Richmond. But I don’t know where we will go. Miss Harriet. I and Lige like camp life the best kind. We will stand it. I think, at least, I am in hopes we will. Harriet and Sis, I am now lying in a tent by myself writing to you. I have just come off of drill. I am listening for the drum every minute for us to drill again. A fellow has no time to play here. Only on your guns. And I don’t call it playing. For you have to rub it about an hour every until you get it plum bright.

John Shim, Wesley Jackson, and William Morris and Tom Jenkins has gone to Richmond to the hospital. I hated to give up those boys. I was sick for three days after I got here but I am well as ever now. Me and Lige is saucy as ever but I reckon we have to mind when we are spoken to just as if we were n*****s. But before I will be equal with n*****s, I will fight until I die. Uncle George Shurburne has got a discharge and I send this letter by him. You must excuse bad writing and spelling. Tell Mrs. Robertson and Mr. Robertson and John to write me and you and Sis to write too. So no more. Write soon. Yours truly until death,

Lewis Peacock

You need not write until I write again. Give my best respects to Mary Jones and all the other girls.


When I wrote this letter, I was thought that Mr. Shurburne would get a discharge on account of old age, but it was knocked up so I will send it by mail. So no more. Only let Brother George know how I am getting on.

I remain your true friend,
