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12th Battalion, Georgia Light Artillery - Captured at Frederick, MD

Item CON-5299
December 17, 1864 William M. Joseph
Price: $325.00


1 page original Civil War Confederate POW letter, written in period ink and war dated.

Prison Barracks
Ward 11

December 17th 1864

Captain Whiton


I have the honor most respectfully to address this communication to you for the purpose of advising you of the facts connected with my dismissal from the position which I filled for the past four months under Mr. Pagand. Lieutenant McConnell has advised you briefly of the cause which has led to the result.

What I shall state I will pledge you my word as a Royal Arch Mason which I am and which I understand you are to be the truth.

Mr. Pangand and myself have not been on very friendly terms for several weeks. Past owing to the incongeniality of our political sentiments, he being an unmitigated rebel and secessionist, while I am as ultra an unionist and the consequence was that we had discussions which did not tend to any very harmonious feelings between us. The charge which I understand he brought against me was incompetency. I have kept books for the last fifteen years and for five years before the war for the House of Gentry Lathrop and Company of Savannah, GA. His brother, F. S. Lathrop of 79 Chambers Street, New York, will confirm what I now state, that he considered me entirely competent. The whole gist of the matter is in a nutshell. I was removed to make room for one of his clique.

In conclusion, I beg that you will give me some employment, however humble, to relieve me from barracks duty until better offers. I ask this as a Mason and a union man. I am no recent convert, but what I am I have always been. I can substantiate all of the above facts. With sentiments of profound regard. I am

Very Respectfully Yours Truly,

William M. Joseph
Ward 11

P.S. I can be found at my ward at any time.