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12th Virginia Infantry - Wounded at Chancellorsville and Twice Captured

Item CON-5298
January 2, 1865 Marcus M. Bowers
Price: $325.00


1 page original Civil War Confederate POW letter, written in period ink and war dated.

Point Lookout

January 2nd 1865

Dear Brother,

I wrote you on the 18th of last month. I had got your letter which made me in better spirits than I had been and yet I was not hardly ready to meet you request. It can’t be done here. For we have to go to Washington and then require a voucher. I write today to Frederick to come onto Washington to vouch for me. Which I hope he will do. For he can come much cheaper than you can. I have written to sisters and hope to soon hear from them. Have not heard from Cousin A.J. Bowers for nearly three months. Want very much to hear from him. Shall look to him to keep my chest, as it is. I am in better health than for some time previous. Have been taking medicine. Still I suffer from cold and colds. My blood is so poor. I would like to have a little money. I owe two dollars on a pair of shoes I bought. Please send me four or five dollars in as small change as you can and not be too frugal. My love to Father and rest.

Marcus M. Bowers
Company A, 4th Division
Point Lookout, MD

Edwin N. Bowers
Geneva, Ohio