38th Virginia Infantry - Killed at Seven Pines, VA
Item CON-10920
October 5, (1861)
Samuel A. Swanson
Price: $245.00
Original Confederate soldier's letter, 3 pages written in period ink.
Camp Edmonds near Centre
October 5
th (1861)
Sweet Sister Mollie,
It is with unfeigned pleasure I assure you that I acknowledged the reception of your highly interesting letter of the 28
thinst. which came to hand a few days ago and to which I hasten to reply. I am surprised to hear that you do not get any letters from me as I have written punctually once and often twice a week to some of you, and had commenced grumbling considerably myself because I did not receive any letters from home. But I suppose that it was owing to Captain Hall’s being here and you heard from me through his letters. You doubtless have received the letters which I sent by him. I also wrote to you and Bettie the 2
nd of this month. I have received no answer to the letter I sent Frank by Jim Tarply. Did he get it or not? And if he did, why does he not answer it?
I did not get the shoes he sent by Jack Day so I cannot tell whether they fitted or not. Jack lost his knapsack on the way. The things I wrote to brother Cook for had better be sent by Oliver as I do not suppose Colonel Edmonds will get them. You can also send me a thick bed quilt, but I reckon you had better wait until we get into winter quarters before you send it. Tell Oliver not to forget that book I told him to get in Richmond as he came back – William’s
Principles of Medicine. Tell Miss Pat not to wait too long before she sends some papers. My love to her and sister. I received a very nice box from cousin Bet Milliner and cousin Pat last week. How strange does such liberality appear when contrasted with the selfishness of some other relations of ours.
I suppose captain has told you all where we are encamped. We have not moved since we left although, we are daily looking for orders to leave. There has nothing new occurred since I last wrote down this way. Everything being very quiet down this way. Men generally seem in very fine spirits owing to our recent victories in Missouri and western Virginia. I amin very good health now, better than when the captain left as I had a very bad cold then.
When you write, give me all the news. Love to all and tell them to write. Write soon yourself to your affectionate brother,