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38th Alabama Infantry - Captured at Missionary Ridge

Item CON-10127
January 23, 1865 Benjamin F. Wright
Price: $285.00


Original Civil War Confederate POW letter. 1 pages written in period ink.

Fort Delaware, Delaware
January 23rd 1865

Mrs. Susan L. Taylor

My Dear Friend,

Sometime since Captain Robbins received a letter from you, in which you made inquiries about me, and stated you had written to me some time previous. I have not received any letters from you in quite a time. Though I have written you several times and received no answers. I suppose it is not any fault of us but of the mails. I am still here enjoying the hospitalities of prison life and let me assure you I am anxious to be exchanged.

My health is only good at this time. I met with an officer that has been with Captain Albert Wright since he got back south. He was with his command near Nashville, well and hearty. In my last letters to you, I asked you to send me a small remittance of money. But I suppose you have never received the letter.

If consistent, I would be pleased to have you send me a small amount. As it is nearly impossible to live here without some little articles, which with money we can get from the sutler. I regret to have to call on you. You’re having done so much for my comfort since I have been in prison. But be assured, I will repay you for your kindness at some future day. Please write me soon.

Present my regards to all. I remain,

Yours Very Truly,

B. F. Wright
38th Alabama Regiment
Division No. 28th
Fort Delaware, Delaware